Proxy – Shareholder Meeting Venue – 2020

Trying to determine where you should hold your Annual Shareholder Meeting? Here is a listing of 100 companies and the venue/city they chose for 2020.  This was an interesting and unique year since nearly all meetings changed to virtual after March 15 due to COVID concerns.  Outside of that, virtual meetings continued to grow very slowly.  We caution against virtual meetings since it leaves the BOD and executive team exposed from optimal governance.

  • Corp HQ – meeting held at corp office/HQ
  • Not Move – meeting held in city of corp office/HQ, but not at corp office/HQ (usually local hotel)
  • Move – meeting held outside of the city of corp office/HQ (usually requires travel of mgmt team)
  • Virtual – meeting is held virtually
  • Change – Changed from published proxy due to COVID (see the date and trend)

68% of companies held a virtual meeting this year.  Will be very interesting to see how many revert back next year.

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