Topic Motivation and Inspiration

  • 12 Attributes of Leaders – Business vs. Sports

    Here is a list of 12 attributes that are common for leaders of sports teams.  There are some significant similarities to leaders in business. Take a look. Which ones describe you?

  • 99 More Bits of Unsolicited Advice – Kevin Kelly

    The past few years, Kevin Kelly has released some great bits of advice.  Here is round 2.

  • 68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice – Kevin Kelly

    We receive the Loup Ventures weekly e-newsletter.  Always a great read.  A fairly regular category is “What We Are Reading”.  This post below was referenced in the December 5, 2020 issue.  What caught our attention was the description that Kevin Kelly is “one of the world’s most interesting people”.  We are suckers for lists like this.  Enjoy.

  • 100 Wise Words for Everyone

    If you have 5 minutes, this is a great list of items to help bring focus in a crazy, fast-paced environment.  Enjoy.

  • Arnold’s Secrets to Success

    Arnold Schwarzenegger has had tremendous success throughout his life and career.  Here are his secrets.

  • 5 Be’s of Leadership

    Here are the 5 Be’s of Leadership, as defined by Hubert Joly, CEO of Best Buy.

  • The 4 Learns to Becoming a Championship Team

    There are many similarities between athletics and business. Here, a NFL coach summarizes the 4 things a team must learn in order to transform into a championship team. This can be used for your company/department/division to develop a winning culture.


    Wall Street loves the concept of UPOD. Under Promise Over Deliver. Put this poster on your credenza or wall to remind you daily about one of your top initiatives.

  • Simple Truths – 212º The Extra Degree

    A great book to share with your team. At 211º, water is hot. At 212º, it boils. And with boiling water comes steam. And steam can power a locomotive. The one extra degree makes the difference.