Have you ever tried to find a specific SEC filing within your SEC Filings database of your IR website? It is very time consuming since all of the descriptions are generic. This tool is a very easy way to track every single one of your SEC filings in order to find the filing you are looking for. You want to impress your investor community? There is no reason why you can’t post this to your website as a great summary tool.
- 8-K: the key is the description. Give a good overview to save time when you need to check on things in the future.
- Sec 16 filings – this detailed listing can be used to populate the Insider Rollforward tool.
- 13D-13G filings – a great place to document all filings activity to ensure you are on top of your largest holders.
- 13D-13G Summary – this is an easy place to track all initial filings and exit activity for your largest holders.