Use this template to develop your overall IR budget.
As a general rule of thumb, staff payroll and travel will be your largest budget items. For travel, it is assumed you will have a good feel for the cost of an average trip. Depending on where you fly out of, you can most likely use $1,200 for a non-coast trip, $1,500-$1,700 for a east coast or west coast trip, and $4,000-$5,000 for a Europe trip. All amounts are per person travel. Clearly, make sure to incorporate any known travel unique features (i.e. business class, use of company plane, multiple legs of trip, etc.)
The amounts used as placeholders in the attached template are intended to start discussion. Each company has its own special circumstances. Your amounts may differ based on company size, level of travel, cost allocations, and pay for employees.
Use the Public Company Budget template to ensure that all public company expenses are properly budgeted (also included within IR Fundamentals/Annual Initiatives. For instance, in your company, the Accounting Department may budget and manage all printing fees, not IR.