Expected Return for a Stock
SureDividend compiled this white paper on how to calculate the return of a stock by incorporating assumed earnings increase, dividends and share buybacks.
Occam’s Razor
We came across the term Occam’s Razor accidentally while watching ESPN. We liked it and thought of how it applies to Wall Street. Take a look.
Emerging Growth Company
Here is some information on what the SEC defines as an Emerging Growth Company. The SEC provides several relaxed disclosure requirements over the first 5 years post-IPO for those companies which qualify.
Alpha – Defined
Alpha is a common technical risk ratio. Here is a short definition.
Registered Investment Advisor (RIA)
The term Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) is used very broadly. Here is a quick definition in case it comes up.
Confirm vs. Reaffirm vs. Reiterate
Even the smallest detail can be a factor in an investor’s interpretation of your Company’s performance. Many folks use Confirm, Reaffirm and Reiterate interchangeably. However, the Street may read into your word choice to assess your conviction. Please read this for more information.
Unicorn Valuation – Definition
A term growing in popularity is “Unicorn Valuation”. Here is the definition.
Stalking Horse Bid
Here is an overview of a stalking horse bid, which is used in chapter 11 bankruptcies.
One of the fastest growing elements of marketing is the concept of neuromarketing. Learn about it here.
Investor Relations Defined – Wikipedia
Here is the definition of Investor Relations from Wikipedia.